Camp #25
Scott Doremus, grandson of the Creran's, sent me some photos he was nice enough to share.  Claire Berger (my Mom) was a bridesmaid in Scott's Mom's wedding and I'm pretty sure I (S. Jamison) remember the  one station wagon in the photo.  I remember calling them Aunt Myrtle and Uncle Norman.   
If you have any photos you would like to share, please e-Mail me at njic at optonline dot net
Norman and Myrtle
Creran bought #25 in 1948, photo is from 1977
Bruce and Barbara MacIntosh
Beach shot from his collection circa 1950
Camp 25 from his collection circa 1950
Camp 25 from his collection circa 1958
Estling Lake Post Card from his collection
Fred Eggleston (Mrytle's Dad,) Doug Doremus (holding the mongrel,)  Scott  Doremus, and their Mom Barbara Doremus (their Mom,) circa 1967